Monday, September 1, 2008

Branded Emotions

“For a wonderful Mom... You’re simply the best...Happy Mother’s day’
A beautiful ecard for your friends loved ones, parents, spouse to make them feel special.
In this age of internet and media boom just like tinned food, sealed water we also have packaged and branded emotions. Emotions for your mom, dad, brother or sister, loved ones and so on. A single click will make you feel that you have conveyed the “heartfelt” and “warm” thoughts sure to touch the heart of the receiver.
An age where flying flyovers, claustrophobic multiplexes, fast cars all come for a price, can emotions be left far behind? These days internet and sms has made it easier for us to maintain our contacts with everybody’ mom, dad, friends. A single card has taken the place of a long due arrival or a heartfelt regret. Years pass by and anxious parents wait for their children and at the end of the day they get either parceled gifts or an ecards from them.
An article in New York had covered the story of John Kingery: ‘Clutching a teddy bear as he stared out from a hospital bed near the dog racing track where he was abandoned, 82-year-old John Kingery looked lost and helpless.’ Mr. Kingery was holding a bag of diapers was left in a wheelchair .He was an Alzheimer patient. He was wearing bedroom slippers which boastfully declared “Proud to Be an American.”
Globalization has sure turned the world into a little village where sitting in our bedroom we have access to the entire information in a single click of our fingers.But it has taken away too many things from us. It’s an age of speed, an age where you have to be fast or else you are crushed down and an age where you have to belong to the rat race or else it’s being uncool.

Ask the little kid who endlessly waits for her parents to come back home from office but instead gets a play station in return, look into the wrinkled blurred eyes of a mother whose son is a big corporate honcho in New York, all she hopes is someday she will be able to meet him. He never comes back. The ecard does come.

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